Why do we sponsor?

John’s Blinds & Curtains are proud to sponsor two sports teams for this season, helping with Grassroots Football and Rugby

In Grassroots Football – Hashtag United Girls U14’s

In Grassroots Rugby – Billericay RFC Academy

Why do we do it?

It’s simple. For not much money, we have provided Kit for these two teams, so the parents do not have to pay any extra on top of their playing fees. It just makes sense for us to help.

It is not just that though…

It is pride when we see these players in our Kit, knowing we have managed to do our little bit to help some local clubs, the young lads and girls that just want to play sports.

For the business…

It helps us get our name out into the local community where people may notice it and yes, we have got some business from advertising with these two teams. That all helps us increase our relationship with these sports teams and enables us to look at sponsoring them in the future.

It is not just us doing it

Many local businesses sponsor local sport teams in Football, Rugby, or Cricket, you name a sport, there is bound to be a local company helping with sponsorship. It is normally a parent or friend who know a local company and gets them involved with the team.

The following is taken from SNAP, an online sponsorship platform for Grassroots teams

“Sponsorship of a Grassroots sport delivers a much higher return on investment than traditional advertising. This is because sponsorship allows your business to become directly involved in activities that are highly valued by local consumers. Consumers are known to form strong positive associations with sponsors who support the development of Grassroots sport and contribute to the local community.

With eight out of ten consumers preferring to believe in what a company does, rather than what it says, it’s easy to see why many businesses are choosing to sponsor clubs such as ours, as a way of “maximising their marketing return.”

Have a look around at your local teams

The next time you take your children to play a sport, or walk the dog over the park, have a look around and see the local businesses that are helping local teams.

Sponsorship is a lifeline for some teams and being involved with Grassroots sports is something we are extremely proud to do.

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