Looking to the Future
At John’s Blinds & Curtains, we continue to invest in the company, building a better future for all our employees and most importantly, to our customers.
Our Wickford based Showroom was designed with you, the customer, in mind. Spacious, light and airy, with every product we offer on display, lots of free parking, pushchair friendly and Lego for the little ones to play with.
When the Unit next door became available, we were able build what we call our “Dirty Room” No it is not that type of room, but our area where we moved all the cutting machines, the long components used in manufacturing, with plenty of storage for other things. All the bits we need to make our Blinds are cut in this room so our “Making” area is much, much cleaner.
We have a new, larger manufacturing table to make wider Roller & Vision (Day/Night) Blinds as well as to increase our turnaround times.
New machinery and a new member of the team are coming soon so we can manufacture two more products, increasing our Blind offerings to our customers.
We purchased a new in-house system, which makes everyone’s life easier, with our surveyors being able to email the customer their quote, better efficiency with the company, increased productivity within the office and at a later stage, better manufacturing processes and stock taking.
Being a family business, our core values revolve around looking after our customers and with all the investing we have concluded and continue to achieve, our customer focus is always improving.